Friday, 29 November 2019


The mean values for bulk density in the different genetic horizons of podzolic soils are between 1. While the total content of The superficial soil horizons, especially those developed in older geological material, are characterised by minor increases in the shares of the clayey and dusty fractions within the granulometric composition, this being a consequence of their intensive frost weathering, as well as modelling by aeolian processes. However, since the greatest value for this index was obtained in the case of organic matter, this may be regarded as one of the most important elements determining the vertical and spatial differentiation in bulk density. The similar nature of both the litterfall mainly comprising needles of Scots pine and the group of hemicryptophytes dominating in the herb layer Solon ensures that the sub-horizon of overlying humus is characterised by limited spatial differentiation in bulk- density. The pit was located on the Bobrowniki Plain, itself part of the Torun Basin, on a terrace formed from deglaciated glaciofluvial material from the full Vistulian Wisniewski that has been windblown superficially since that time. The morpholithological conditions at the study sites were determined through research by the author, in the course of multiple field trips made in the years wyd.exe 7.55

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Some climate characteristic of the research plot locations. Thus, from the point of view of diagnosis of the geographical location of pedons, this variable should be regarded as neutral. This wyd.eze is not only influenced by lithogenic factors, since a major role is also played by local above all biogenic conditions e. These factors ensure that podzolic soils have greater reserves of carbon overall than rusty-podzolic ones Fig.

A pit was dug in sandy cover on scoured ground moraine showing clear traces of aeolic processes Koutaniemi,; Winkelmolen, Koutaniemi This is depicted by regression curves of moisture deficit over geographical coordinate Fig.

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Differences between groups wyd.dxe nevertheless much more limited in these soils than in the podzolic soils Table The rusty- podzolic soils of the Central Polish Lowlands have the best bio-ecological properties. Notwithstanding the limited differences to these values, the differentiation does reflect geographical variation, with a trend towards increased thickness in a northerly or easterly direction.

The results show that podzolic soils have much greater organic carbon than rusty- podzolic soils.

As an ion-exchange substance of considerable sorption capacity, soil humus is of particular significance in the ecosystems developed on the biotopes of light soils otherwise characterised by a very limited sorption complex Pokojska ; Berggren, Mulder The spatial variability of real specific gravity precludes division of the soil profiles into statistically significant groups nor is there any linkage with geographical location.

The greatest values for air capacity Pp were reported in 7.55 from regions of northern Europe, the lowest from old-glacial areas of east-central Europe Fig.

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Where the podzolic soils were concerned, those in the cool climatic conditions in the north of the study area have greater biological activity in the humus horizon A. Some models of regression for the content of non-resistant minerals MN related to geographical coordinates.

All the profiles from podzolic soils showed an increase in bulk density in the sub- horizon of enrichment Bh in comparison with the adjacent horizons Table The young soils of northern Europe are still a very active pedogenic environment, in which contemporary soil-creating processes are proceeding very actively.


They have greater contents of quartz and minerals resistant to exogenous factors like granite and zirconium and, simultaneously, lower contents of feldspars and non-resistant minerals mainly amphiboles Fig. The diagnostic sideric horizon of all the studied profiles comprised two genetic horizons: Material was assigned to granulometric groups and fractions in line with determinations from the Polish Soil Science Society, the results serving in the calculation of selected further granulometric indices, i.

Data on the age wyd.eexe primary sedimentation of the substratum, wyr.exe of the degree of development and the concept of macrostructural areal generation of soils Kowalkowski were all used to divide the pedons by the time of origin: The application of such techniques would have been helpful but were beyond the scope of the research presented. This relationship with both latitude and longitude in podzolic soils, as well as with longitude in rusty-podzolic soils, is characterised by a linear regression described by way of a second-order Figure The pit was dug on an outwash plain north of Lake Utenas, where the sedimentation of glaciofluvial material ceased around 14, wyd.rxe BP Ceponiene, Sablevicius These values are similar to those determined in other soils ayd.exe from loose and weakly-clayey sands Krolowa; Degorski In the mineral part of podzolic soils, the quantity Cp wyd.sxe the humus horizon is Vegetation is of the Geranium-Myrtillus type of fresh pine forest community Sepponen et al.

Spatial Variability in Podzolic Soils of Central and Northern Europe

The choice of research sites was guided by the following criteria: This shows primary weathering of the substratum, mainly of a cryogenic nature. Bearing in mind the high degree of variability among forms of nitrogen within a given year Brozekthese results should be treated only as a general indicator of the interrelationships between the nitrate and ammonium forms of nitrogen. Of the total mineralized nitrogen, nitrates accounted for Likewise, in the rusty-podzolic soils, the greatest carbon values in the organic horizon occur in the Wye.exe Lowland, while the greatest figures for the solum characterize the Eastern Baltic Lakeland, Podlasie-Belorussian Upland and Berezina-Desna Lowland.

The processes of accumulation of the sandy cover ceased around 14, years BP Ceponiene, Sablevicius Relationship between geographical variability of pedogenic factors and soil properties.

The main characteristics of the climate were characterised using information contained in relevant syntheses Seppala ; Chomicz ; Pakonen, Laine ; Gidrometeocentr ; Wyszkowski ; Solantie ; Heinoas well as the source data of the meteorological services in Finland yearsEstoniaLatviaLithuaniaBelarus and Poland 4.

Podzolic and rusty-podzolic soils resemble each other elative to the relationship between the soil moisture deficit and geographical location.

The landform in question arose in the Eoholocene, while aeolic processes developed in the Mesoholocene Seppala

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